
国际会议通知:International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics (ICCFD8)

International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics
July, 24-29, 2014, Chengdu, China
ICCFD8 2014 Conference
This is the 8th ICCFD conference since the merger of two important CFD conferences, i.e., the International Conference on Numerical Methods in Fluid Dynamics (ICNMFD) since 1969 and the International Symposium on Computational Fluid Dynamics (ISCFD) since 1985. The first conference was held in 2000 in Kyoto, Japan. Since then, it has been held biannually in different cities ― Sydney in ’02, Toronto in ’04, Ghent in ’06, Seoul in ’08, St. Petersburg in ’10 and Hawaii in ’12. The next conference, ICCFD8, will be held in Chengdu, China in July 24-29, 2014.
ICCFD8 will be held at the Dorsett Grand Chengdu Hotel. The hotel is located at the famous historical Luoma Market area of Chengdu, and is close to the downtown, Chunxi Road. The metro line 1 and line 4 are just right to the hotel, providing convenient urban transportation network. We recommend placing reservations before the conference and the reduced conference rates are available.
ICCFD8 is devoted to all innovative aspects of CFD, basic and applied. Subjects of interest include but are not limited to:
•Innovative algorithm: Higher-order methods, Implicit iterative methods, Parallel algorithms, Grid generation and adaption, Meshless methods, Immersed boundary methods, Level-set methods, …
•Advances in modeling of flow physics: Steady and unsteady flows, Compressible and incompressible flows, Flows in porous media, Hypersonic and reacting flows, Combustion, Rarefied flows and transitional flows, Turbulence, Multi-phase flows, Boundary layer stability , Vortex dynamics, …
•Advanced multidisciplinary applications: Aeroacoustics , Flow control, Multi-disciplinary optimization, Bio-medical fluid mechanics and Bio-fluid dynamics, Large scale applications , CFD verification and validation methods, …
•History of CFD
Key Dates
Submission of Abstracts*....................Dec. 15, 2013
Notification of Acceptance..................Feb. 1, 2014
Early Registration...................................Mar. 1, 2014
Submission of Papers**.......................Jul. 24, 2014
*Abstracts must be 1-2 pages in length and must be submitted via email to: ICCFD8@163.com or ICCFD8@cardc.cn
**Submission procedure, abstract and paper templates will be available at: www.iccfd8.org
New in ICCFD8
•Paper length is no longer limited to 6 pages. A PDF version of the final accepted paper, up to 25 pages, will be published online.
•A selected number of papers from the conference will be chosen to be peer-reviewed and published in a book by Springer.
•Some selected papers will be recommended to a special issue of Computers & Fluids.
ICCFD8 Executive Board
Prof. Charles-Henri Bruneau, France
Prof. Jean-Jacques Chattot, USA
Prof. Mohamed Hafez, USA
Dr. Dochan Kwak, USA
Prof. Nobuyuki Satofuka, Japan
Prof. Hanxin Zhang, China
Conference Co-chairs
Prof. Hanxin ZHANG, China Aerodynamic research and Development Center (CARDC)
Prof. Xiaogang DENG, National University of Defense Technology(NUDT)
Prof. Zhaolin FAN, China Aerodynamic research and Development Center (CARDC)