题目:Structural Health Monitoring and State-Awareness Materials
报告人:Prof. Fu-Kuo Chang(Director of Structures and Composites Laboratory in the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics at Stanford University.)
Real-time state awareness of critical structures can significantly influence decisions on their operation in a cost-effective, reliable, and safe manner. Intelligent sensor networks that can be integrated with materials and structures provide a key solution to state awareness. Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) technology can be utilized as a foundation to create a platform that is needed for construction of the “intelligent structures”.
This presentation will highlight recent progress in SHM toward the design of intelligent structures in the Structures and Composites Laboratory at Stanford with emphasis on multifunctional materials for self-diagnosis, robotic arms and unmanned aerial vehicle with sensory skins to enhance self-awareness. However, design, fabrication and characterization of this new class of the materials involve multiple disciplines across the engineering fields and a paradigm change from traditional design principle. New challenges in research, education and implementation of the materials will be discussed.
Prof. Fu-Kuo Chang is the Director of Structures and Composites Laboratory in the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics at Stanford University and a co-founder of Acellent Technologies. He is widely accepted as the world's leading expert in the research field of SHM technology and has contributed to the fundamental and applied research on sensors and sensor network development, built-in self-diagnostics, integrated diagnostics and prognostics, damage tolerance and failure analysis for composite materials, and advanced multi-physics computational methods for multi-functional structures. He has published more than 300 SCI papers, which has been cited by international counterparts for nearly 5000 times. He has delivered over 30 keynote speeches in world famous academic conferences.
Prof. Fu-Kuo Chang is the Editor in Chief of the international Journal of Structural Health Monitoring, which is the top journal in the research field of SHM technology. He serves as the Founding Chair of the International Industry Steering Committee for SHM, the Founding Director of Japan Smart Structures and Materials Research Center at AIST and Fellows of AIAA and ASME. As the chairman of International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (IWSHM), he holds the conference every two years at Stanford University since 1997, and this conference has become a symbol for international academic exchanges in the research field of SHM. As an honor for his outstanding contribution to SHM, Prof. Fu-Kuo Chang was rewarded with the SHM Life-Time Achievement Award in 2004 and the SPIE Smart Structures/NDE Life-Time Achievement Award in 2010.