
学术报告通知(Prof. Zsolt Szabo )

题 目: On the stability of a simple 3 DoF wing-aileron model
报告人: Prof. Zsolt Szabo (Budapest University of Technology and Economy, Hungary)
时  间:2015年4月17日上午10:30
地  点:A18-705
摘  要:
In this talk a 3 DoF rigid body model of a wing-aileron (flap) is presented. Both the wing and the flap are modelled as a homogeneous thin flat plate which carries out planar motion. The elasticity of the wing itself is taken into consideration with a linear and a torsional supporting spring. The system is placed in a 2D potential steady flow, and the fluid forces acting on the wing are modelled according to Theodorsen's formulae.
At the joint between the flap and the wing a torsional spring is also considered. Furthermore, the flap motion can be forced by the moment that is actuated by a servo motor at the joint. In simple case, this moment is can be controlled either through the deformation of the linear spring or the pitch angle of the wing. The stability of the system with given geometry is mainly affected by the flow velocity, the stiffness of the support and the control parameters, which is shown on stability diagrams.