
学术报告通知二则(Jens Hinrichsen)

报告题目1:Opportunities and Threats for Composite Material Designs for the Fuselage of Commercial Aircraft
报告人: Jens Hinrichsen
报告时间:2015年4月23日  15:30-17:00
The lecture identifies the paramount success factors for composite technology applications in fuselage structures.Today’s state-of-the-art is reviewed in the context of the evolution of composite technologies at Airbus.
Design drivers are discussed, such as damage threats and requirements for damage tolerance and associated conditions for visual inspections.Examples for design solutions are given, including related manufacturing and assembly aspects. Also, weight and cost for materials and manufacturing processes are elaborated for selected applications, referring to experience.The degrees of freedom for “driving towards the optimum solution” for fuselage panels in CFRP are identified and a proposal for the adequate selection of material forms and related manufacturing processes will be reported.
报告题目2:Design, Manufacture and Integration of a Rear Pressure Dome in CFRP
报告人: Jens Hinrichsen
报告时间:2015年4月24日  10:00-11:30
Carbon Fiber Composite Material Applications have become “state-of-the-art” for the pressure dome in the rear fuselage of commercial aircraft.The spherical shape of the dome is an excellent basis for manufacturing concepts, combining non-crimped fibers (NCF) with resin film infusion (RFI) and out-of-autoclave (AOO) curing.Paramount challenges for a “design-for-manufacture” result from complex load/force transfers from the membrane of the dome into the fuselage panels when cabin pressure is applied. The lecture discusses the main parameters for the integration of the dome into the fuselage.
2001-2004: Product manager responsible for engineering, manufacture, supply chain management & quality in the development phase for A380 Vertical Tail Plan.    
2004 ? 2009: Director-Aerospace Product Strategy & Development at Alcoa
2009 ? 2014: Managing Director and owner at Aerospace Advisory Group LLC
2014 ? today: Head of Engineering & Projects at COMAC America Corporation