题 目: Approximations of RFDEs in the form of ODEs and difference equations, by using the method of weighted residuals 报 告 人: David Lehotzky (Department of Applied Mechanics, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary)
主办单位:国际交流合作处、科协、机械结构力学及控制国家重点实验室、航空宇航学院 报告摘要: The finite dimensional approximations of linear RFDEs are studied for the autonomous and time-periodic cases. Two approaches are detailed: the approximation of the infinitesimal generator and the approximation of the monodromy operator of the delayed system. The tools for approximation are the barycentric Lagrange interpolation and the method of weighted residuals. While the approximation of the infinitesimal generator leads to a system of ODEs the approximation of the monodromy operator gives a system of difference equations. Results are presented in the form of stability charts. These show spectral convergence rate for the real part of the rightmost roots of the RFDEs. This convergence rate is superior to that of the well-known semi-discretization and full-discretization methods.