
学术报告通知(Prof. YangQuan Chen)

报告题目:Fractional Calculus and Its Applications in Modeling and Signal Processing
报告人:Prof. YangQuan Chen(EECS/Mechanical Engineering,University of California at Merced)
Fractional calculus (FC) is about differentiation and integration of non-integer orders. Modeling using a non-integer order dynamic model will be introduced in this talk first followed by fractional order signal processing techniques. We will first show a heat transfer textbook problem that can be modelled using fractional order model with much better performance than its integer order counterpart under fairness comparison. Then an fMNR T2 relaxation example is considered using various fractional order models. Both parameter-distributed fractional relaxation model and distributed-order relaxation model are discussed. In fractional order signal processing techniques, we will briefly cover the fractional Fourier transform and infinite variance processes. An example is presented on quantification of bacteria chemotaxis behavior using video microscopy data. Another example is about the spiky and random network delays which can be handled by techniques related to fractional calculus. This talk ends with remarks on a rule of thumb on when to use fractional calculus based tools for modeling and signal processing.
[1] Zhuang Jiao+, YangQuan Chen* and Igor Podlubny. “Distributed-Order Dynamic Systems: Stability, Simulation, Applications and Perspectives” SpringerBrief, Springer-Verlag, Feb. 2012, 103 pages, ISBN-13: 978-1447128519
[2] Sheng, Hu+, Chen, YangQuan* and Qiu, TianShuang. “Fractional Processes and Fractional-Order Signal Processing” Springer. Series: Signals and Communication Technology, 2012. 295 pages. ISBN 978-1-4471-2232-6 
Biography: YangQuan Chen was a faculty member of ECE Dept. of Utah State University before he joined UC Merced in Fall 2012. He earned his Ph.D. from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore in 1998, MSc. from Beijing Institute of Technology in 1989 and BS from University of Science and Technology of Beijing in 1985. His current areas of research interests include: distributed measurement and distributed control of distributed parameter systems using mobile actuator and sensor networks, smart mechatronics and process controls, applied fractional calculus in controls, signal processing and energy informatics, multi-UAV based personal cooperative multi-spectral remote sensing for precision agriculture and environmental monitoring. He served as the General Chair for , Qingdao, China and the Program Chair for the , Las Vegas, NV, 2007 and  San Diego, CA, 2009 and Program Co-Chair for the  for 2006 and 2007. He was the TC Chair for MESA under ,  Chair for , and is a member of IFAC TC2.2. He serves as an Associate Editor for ,  , , , , ,,, and IFAC journal  (CEP). Dr. Chen is a member of Editorial Board of An International Journal of Optimization and Control: Theories & Applications (IJOCTA). He won IFAC Journal of Control Engineering Practice at 2011 IFAC World Congress. Since 2012, Dr. Chen serves as TC Co-Chair for . Dr. Chen is a senior member of IEEE, a member of AIAA, ASPRS, ASME, AUVSI, AMA (Academy of Model Aeronautics), AWRA (American Water Resources Association) and ASEE (American Society of Engineering Educators).  