
学术报告通知二则(Dr. Daniel Bachrathy & Mr.Henrik Sykora)

报告1: Multi-Dimensional Bisection Method for stability chart generation
报告人:Dr. Daniel Bachrathy (assistant professor, Department of Applied Mechanics,Budapest University of Technology and Economics)
报告2: Approximation of top Lyapunov exponent of stochastic DDE
报告人:Mr.Henrik Sykora (Ph.D. student, Department of Applied Mechanics, Budapest University of Technology and Economics)
报告1摘要: For many mechanical systems, the stability criteria must be determined, which is usually a hard task, even for simple systems. The stability chart, which shows those parameter ranges where the system is stable, is usually generated based on complex implicit equations with multiple parameters. The MDBM method is an efficient tool to determine the stability boundaries even for delayed systems. The efficiency and the general applicability is presented in the seminar.