报告题目:NDT - Recent Developments and Future Trends ? A Paradigm Change?
报告人:Professor Gerd Dobmann (Chair of NDT and Quality Assurance of the Saar University (LZFPQ))
报告时间:2018年3月12日 14:30~15:30
报告摘要:Based on the evaluation of 1000 abstracts, submitted to the World Conference of NDT, held in Munich, Germany, June, 2016 the seminar talk analyses the most actual NDT tasks. Whereas the layman primarily sees the objective of NDT in the detection of materials imperfections ? called defects ? NDT for materials characterization in terms of usage properties and NDT for applied and residual stress measurement became a comparable task for R & D. This is much more true in case of safety relevant components of which a catastrophic failure has to be precluded. However, fracture mechanical approaches ask for a reliable defect sizing and therefore newly developed 3D-sizing algorithms, take advantage of imaging techniques. The probability of failure depends also on the actual load on the defect as well as on properties like toughness, yield- and tensile-strength. As long as a critical engineering assessment is based only on listed table values of these properties, a risk analysis will always be unsharp, but hopefully conservative. The seminar talk will touch actual NDT tasks which are process-integrated NDT in manufacturing and big-data-acquisition and -evaluation, but also describing materials aging phenomena. A special emphasis is on new, non-linear, NDT approaches applied on viscoelastic composite materials.