报告介绍:The lecture will present the results of recent studies on influence of viscous and conductive liquid on SH SAW waves in strong piezoelectrics. The profiles of an acoustic field and electric potential of the forward and backward shear-horizontal (SH) acoustic waves of a higher order propagating in X-Y potassium niobate plate have been theoretically investigated. It has been shown that by changing electrical boundary conditions on a surface of piezoelectric plates, it is possible to change the distributions of an acoustic field and electric potential of the forward and backward acoustic waves. The dependencies of the distribution of a mechanical displacement and electrical potential over the plate thickness for electrically open and electrically shorted plates have been plotted. The influence of a layer with arbitrary conductivity placed on a one or on the both plate surfaces on the profiles under study, phase and group velocities of the forward and backward acoustic waves in X-Y potassium niobate has been also investigated. The obtained results can be useful for development of the method for control of a particle or electrical charge movement inside the piezoelectric plates, as well a sensor for definition of the thin film conductivity.
报告人介绍: Iren E. Kuznetsova graduated from Saratov State University in 1988 (physics of plasma) and received the Master's degree. In 1996, she received the Degree of Candidate of Sciences (Physics- Mathematics) (Ph.D.) from Saratov State University, Russia. In 2004 he has received the Doctor of Science diploma. Since 1988 and until 2012, she has been working at the Kotelnikov Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Saratov Branch, as an engineer (1988 to 1991), then as Junior Research Scientist (1991 to 1997), then as Senior Research Scientist (1997-2004), and as a Leading Research Scientist (2004 to 2012). Since 2012 and until the present time she has been working at the Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow) as a Leading Research Scientist. Since 2015 and until the present time she has been working as a Head of Post-Graduate Study Department of Kotelnikov IRE of RAS. In February 2016 she was elected as Professor of Russian Academy of Science.