
学术报告通知(Dr Aminreza Karamoozian)



报告题目:Brake disc instability analysis with lattice structure

报告人:Dr Aminreza Karamoozian(南京理工大学)  

时 间:2019年1月8日(星期二) 下午14:00

地 点:A18-209会议室   




Automotive disc brake instability and squeal has been investigated as the constant source of concerns in warranty and insurance issues for many years. Complaints of brake noise have caused automotive manufacturers considerable profit loss from warranty claims. As a result, over the past few decades, numerous studies have been conducted to understand, reduce, and possibly eliminate brake squeal noise by analytical modeling, experimental, numerical and finite element methods. Research has shown that the main causes for brake noise are due to friction-induced dynamic instabilities in the brake generated by the roughness at the contact surfaces and the complex time-varying characteristics of the frictional forces. The objective of research is to introduce novel lattice design and to investigate the dynamics of a brake disc system modeled by a rotationally periodic lattice structure consisting of a finite number of identical substructures. Key issues in the process is to defining the effective elastic stiffnesses of lattice plate by homogenization method concerning using the braking system. A methodology is introduced whereby governing the dynamics of motion concerning lattice plates using in the braking system. Also, a transient thermo-mechanical analysis is performed to provide the temperature and contact distributions within the new lattice brake before applying an instability analysis using the complex eigenvalue method and the lattice parameters sensitivity analysis utilized the instability analysis of the lattice brake disc.



Aminreza Karamoozian is a Ph.D. of Mechanical Engineering at Nanjing University of Science & Technology. He received his bachelor's degree from University of Kerman in 2004 in Iran, and worked in Tire industerial Group for 7 years. He received his Master's degree from Tehran Polytechnic University (Amirkabir University) in Mechanical Engineering/reliability engineering in mechanical systems in 2013. Since 2014, he has cooperated with Wayne State University in his Ph.D. studies. His main technical interests are in vehicle dynamics, vibration, vehicle dynamic simulation and control, reliability analysis of mechanical systems, structural health monitoring. During his PhD studies, he have ranked first among all the students and also has been elected as the outstanding international student among all the international students in all universities in China. His PhD’s dissertation subject that he was to research was “Automotive Disc Brake thermo-Mechanical Squeal analysis with lattice structure”. His general research is in the area of structural mechanics and dynamics analysis of mechanical systems such as geometry design, optimization, impact, vibration, fatigue, fraction, instability and reliability analysis of lightweight structures like as lattice structures, rotors, bladed discs and tire. He has worked on the mechanical behavior, mechanical properties, vibration analysis, dynamic response and stability of microstructures especially lattice microstructure which are so useful to use in industry concerning their saving energy, vibrational, thermal and stability properties besides their lightweight. Recently, they have successfully developed a lightweight lattice structural materials for optimization of the braking system to improve the thermal and stability properties concerning the structural dynamics and vibration analysis of rotating structures. Also, he has introduced and investigated the reliability model for mechanical properties of handling, comfort and performance of pneumatic tires with FMVSS standardized tests.
