
学术报告通知 (Tony Hays)


报告题目1Aircraft Design for Reduced Carbon Emissions

时 间:2019年3月20日(周叁)15:00-17:00

报告人:Tony Hays(飞机总体设计专家,美国) 

地 点: 明故宫校区础18-526教




Global warming is an existential threat to civilization, and it is imperative that we convert to a low-carbon economy. This presentation provides information on the history and current trends in the use of carbon-based fuels. It also summarizes the latest findings of the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. The challenges of providing energy for air transportation, are also discussed. Currently the only possible replacement energy sources for aircraft are hydrogen and electric batteries.  Both are feasible, but not necessarily economic, replacements.  The wide variety of aircraft designs that use these energy sources are described.  For electrically-powered aircraft this includes hybrid, all-electric, and solar-powered aircraft, with operational modes that cover both vertical and conventional takeoff and landing.  For the future, other carbon-neutral fuels may be available, such as those derived from carbon-capture and nano-electrofuels. The possibility of solid-state propulsion (propulsion system with no moving parts) is also described.  Which of these will be successful? At present, nothing is certain except the imperative to reduce greenhouse gases.

报告题目2Supersonic Transports – Past, Present and Future

时 间:2019年3月21日(周四)10:00-11:00

报告人:Tony Hays (飞机总体设计专家,美国) 

地 点:明故宫校区础18-526教



The first supersonic flight was in 1947, but with the notable exception of Concorde, passenger-carrying aircraft are still constrained to subsonic flight. The presentation covers four topics.  1) The Challenges of Supersonic Flight: discussion of wave drag, sonic boom, propulsion, and configuration design. 2) First Generation SSTs: development and operation of the Anglo-French Concorde and Tupolev Tu-144, and development of the Boeing 2707. 3) Second Generation Studies: U.S. technology development for potential competition to Concorde. 4) The Future:  development of the X-59 Quiet SST experimental aircraft, and supersonic passenger-carrying concepts that are currently under development. One of these concepts may be successful.


Tony Hays has worked in the aerospace industry for over 50 years, having joined Bristol Siddeley Engines (which later became part of Rolls-Royce) in 1962 as an apprentice. He holds a B.Sc. degree in Aeronautical Engineering from Bristol University in the UK, and an S.M. degree in Aeronautics and Astronautics from MIT. He worked at Lockheed Martin for 30 years, mostly in aircraft conceptual design. Designs he has worked on include a vertical takeoff airliner (Hawker Siddeley 133/141), Lockheed L1011 derivatives, supersonic transports, and a single stage to orbit scramjet-powered aircraft (National AeroSpace Plane). He has also been involved in other areas of aircraft design and operation, including aeroacoustics, flight crew training (Lockheed C-130J), flight manual development (C-130J and Lockheed C-5M), and market development (De Havilland Canada DHC-7). He has taught classes in aircraft design at several universities in the United States and China.
