报告题目:Plane Thermal Stress Problems of Functionally Graded Orthotropic Plates in Cartesian Coordinate System
报告人:Naotake Noda教授(日本静冈大学)
Three topics of plane thermal stresses problems of functionally graded orthotropic materials in Cartesian coordinate system are explained:
1. Plane heat conduction problems in functionally graded orthotropic materials. The steady plane heat conduction problems are explained when material properties are expressed by (a) exponential function type, (b) power law type and (c) arbitrary function of a variable x. The transient plane heat conduction problems are discussed when material properties are arbitrary functions of a variable x.
2. Steady thermal stresses in functionally graded orthotropic plate by displacement method
3. Transient thermal stresses in functionally graded orthotropic plate by stress function method
Naotake Noda博士现为日本静冈大学名誉教授,曾任静冈大学工学部部长,研究生院院长;国际着名热应力专家,国际热应力大会奠基人,多个国际期刊的编委,出版专着14部,发表论文300余篇,在国际上具有重要的影响。
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