
意大利都灵理工大学Erasmo Carrera教授来我校交流访问


应我校航空宇航学院机械结构力学及控制国家重点实验室高存法教授的邀请,意大利都灵理工大学Erasmo Carrera教授2019526日至27日访问了我校,并于27日做了题为“Classical and Advanced Computational Beam/Plate/Shell Models for Laminated Structures subjected to Multifield Loadings”学术报告。报告详细介绍了Carrera教授在高阶有限元计算领域的研究成果和最新进展。报告内容丰富、精彩生动,对我校相关科研工作具有借鉴作用。同时,教授还结合自己多年的研究经历,与现场听众分享了在材料力学领域的研究心得和体会。沉星教授主持了报告会。


(报告人介绍)Erasmo Carrera is Professor of Aerospace Structures and Aeroelasticity at Politecnico di Torino, Italy, where he graduated in Aeronautics, 1986, and Space Engineering, 1988. He earned a Ph.D. in Aerospace Engineering in 1991. Carrera has introduced the Reissner Mixed Variational Theorem, RMVT, as a natural extension of the Principle of Virtual Displacement (PVD) for layered structure analysis. He introduced the Unified Formulation, or CUF (Carrera Unified Formulation), as a new framework to develop linear and nonlinear theories of beams, plates, and shells for metallic and composite multilayered structures under mechanical, thermal electrical and magnetic loadings. Carrera is author and coauthor of about 800 papers and a few recent books. He is founder and leader of the MUL2 group at Politecnico di Torino. The MUL2 group has six staff members and some 15 grad students or Post-Docs with a project portfolio of some ten active projects funded by the European Commission, the Italian government, Politecnico di Torino and industrial partners such as Embraer. Main awards and roles: Highly Cited Researchers (Top 100 Scientist) by Thompson Reuters in two sections - Engineering and Materials (2013) and Engineering (2015); Editor-in-Chief of Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures; Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Advanced in Aircraft and Spacecraft Sciences; Member of Accademia delle Scienze di Torino, founded by Lagrange et alii; President of A.I.D.A.A. (Associazione Italiana di Aeronautica ed Astronautica).
